Children with Special or Additional Needs
We are proud of the very good progress our children with special or additional needs make. We are committed to supporting all children including those with special needs. Our staff are highly trained in a range of areas including speech and language, makaton, autism, hearing support and attachment disorders. We feel that it is vitally important to have a team approach to supporting children with special needs which includes parents, practitioners and other professionals. We have a strong transition program to support children in their transition to primary school.
This is what Ofsted said about our work with children with additional or special needs:
‘Those with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported so that they make similar progress to their peers. Children who speak English as an additional language are also well supported by adults and other children, so that they often make excellent progress.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Miss Stephens. For any queries please email: